Wisdom tooth extraction is a common practice, and it's becoming almost mandatory for young adults between the age of 15 to 25. Wisdom tooth extraction at this stage is essential because these teeth appear late when there isn't enough space in the mouth to accommodate them comfortably.

When all your wisdom teeth (third set of molars) are healthy and well-aligned, they can be an asset in your mouth. However, if there is a misalignment issue due to teeth crowding, an extraction might be your only remedy. The earlier you contact a dentist for wisdom tooth extraction, the better to avoid future possible dental health complications like impacted, crowded, or misaligned teeth.

Experienced oral and dental experts at Encino Dentist can help you determine if a wisdom tooth extraction is right for you after careful evaluation of your dental conditions using advanced modern technology. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need these dental services because healthy teeth and mouth are integral for general body wellness.

Reasons Why Wisdom Tooth Extraction is Important

There are several reasons why wisdom tooth extraction is vital for almost everyone. Most importantly, this dental practice is vital because it prevents future possible dental health issues associated with impacted or crowded teeth, which happens when wisdom teeth begin to erupt.

Possible dental health issues associated with these dental complications include:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth often result in pain when the erupting molars start pressing on the adjacent teeth, which is an uncomfortable feeling.

  • Impacted or crowded wisdom teeth are hard to clean with everyday dental cleaning routines, which often leads to bacterial infection, tooth decay, and bad breath.

  • Damage to the adjacent healthy teeth.

  • When fluids fill the sac within your jawbone where wisdom teeth develop, a cyst can form and cause damage to your teeth, nerves, and jawbone.

  • If the impacted or crowded wisdom teeth cause teeth misalignment, you may experience difficulties in chewing food and talking.

  • Impacted wisdom teeth create a suitable environment for bacteria to thrive, which eventually causes gum or dental infections.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a crucial dental health practice for young adults and older people experiencing these kinds of dental complications or oral health issues. Ensure you speak to a reliable dentist to diagnose and evaluate your dental health to know whether wisdom tooth extraction is necessary for your situation.

Helpful Tips for Preparation of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Typically, preparing for wisdom tooth extraction is essential for a successful surgery and to increase your chances of fast recovery after the procedure. Wisdom tooth extraction or any tooth extraction is a dreadful experience, making you anxious and nervous because you are unsure what to expect when visiting a dentist clinic.

However, it is not a painful experience as many people perceive because of the advancement of technology in this field to make this procedure more effective and comfortable. You can be less nervous and anxious when you follow the tips below to prepare for your wisdom tooth extraction:

Take Some Time Off School or Work

After wisdom tooth extraction, it is common to feel some pain that disappears within less than twenty-four hours. Even though this pain is not severe, it can be uncomfortable for someone who has to work or study for an exam the next day.

The anesthesia or sedation methods your dentist will use to numb your skin or make you unconscious before your wisdom tooth extraction surgery can take up to twenty-four hours to wear off. Hence, it is wise to schedule a minimum of two days off school or work before your wisdom tooth extraction surgery.

Find Someone to Accompany You at the Dentist's Clinic

Finding a friend or relative to accompany you to the dentist's clinic during your wisdom tooth extraction day is a wise idea because, as mentioned above, anesthesia can take up to twenty-four hours to wear off. The use of anesthesia often causes side effects like hallucinations which can challenge your driving skills as you drive back home.

Therefore, you should have a friend or relative drive you back home after your surgery. If possible, you can also make plans for a backup ride with a different person if your friend is unavailable during your wisdom tooth extraction date.

Stock Up on Your Recovery Items and Medications

During your first consultation with your prospective dentist, he/she will prescribe you medication that can be helpful to your recovery after wisdom tooth extraction treatment. You may also need over-the-counter painkillers, just in case you decide to do away with prescription medicine.

Ensure you stock up on all these medications ahead of time before the date of your wisdom tooth extraction surgery because it can be a hassle buying them on your way home. You might also need to stock up multiple ice packs to numb the facial area around the extraction site to reduce any pain-causing discomfort.

Buy Soft Foods

Because after wisdom tooth extraction surgery, the extraction site will be sore, it is recommendable to eat soft foods like mashed potatoes, fish, eggs, yogurt, pudding, or rice. However, as you recover, you can slowly add other harder foods you want to eat to your diet. Before then, you should have enough stock of these soft foods to aid you in recovering sooner.

Make a List of Questions You Intend to Ask Your Dentist

During your initial consultation with your dentist, it is wise to carry a list of questions to ask him/her to know what to expect during the whole procedure. Every patient's wisdom tooth extraction issue is different and unique, which means the dentist might have different suggestions or requirements for you. You find the information you need by asking your dentist the following kinds of questions:

  • How many wisdom teeth are you extracting?

  • How long should the extraction surgery take?

  • Should I eat before surgery?

  • At what time should I arrive for the extraction surgery appointment?

During this conversation, you might also want to inform your dentist about any medications you are currently taking or medical complications you have. Some medications can increase the risk of excessive bleeding during the surgery or react with the anesthesia. Hence, the dentist will recommend you stop taking them for a few weeks before and after the extraction of your wisdom tooth.

Familiarize Yourself With Basics of the Procedure

When you learn more about what wisdom tooth extraction entails, you realize this procedure is nothing to fear, as many people say. Research and learn about the causes of impacted wisdom teeth and familiarize yourself with the extraction process, which is the only reliable and lifelong remedy for this dental health problem.

Typically, preparation for wisdom tooth extraction comes down to the simple steps you take before your wisdom tooth extraction surgery or that of your child. Ensure you talk to your prospective dentist ahead of time to know what to expect throughout the procedure for adequate preparation for the extraction surgery and recovery.

An Overview of Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure

During your wisdom tooth extraction date, you must show up at your dentist's clinic on time. As mentioned above, before the extraction surgery, your dentist will want to know your dental and medical histories. Then, he/she will take X-ray pictures of your mouth area around your wisdom tooth requiring extraction or removal.

Before your wisdom tooth extraction surgery, a general dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe some antibiotics to take to prevent bacterial infection during the surgery. To minimize discomfort during the extraction surgery, your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the skin around the extraction site.

Some patients also prefer other sedation methods like nitrogen oxide (laughing gas) to make them unconscious during the procedure. During the surgery, your dentist will cut and open up the gum tissue surrounding the tooth socket to remove the wisdom tooth.

While dentists and oral surgeons still use cutting tools like scalpels in these kinds of dental surgeries, advanced technology like lasers is more precise and comfortable. After the procedure, the dentist may need to place stitches on the extraction site to increase the healing process rate.

In most cases, these stitches are absorbable and can dissolve with time on their own to disappear. If your stitches require removal after the surgery, you may have to schedule an appointment with your dentist after one week to remove them.

Top-notch Wisdom Tooth Extraction After Care and Recovery Tips

After wisdom tooth extraction treatment, recovery and healing will require only a few days, typically one week. However, the gum area around the extraction site may take approximately two to three weeks to heal fully.

After successful completion of your wisdom tooth extraction surgery, there are several helpful tips you can use to accelerate your recovery and healing process. These tips include:

  • Use a clean and moist piece of gauze to apply pressure on the tooth extraction site to reduce bleeding. Bleeding is usually a normal experience within the first 24 hours after surgery. However, if the bleeding persists past this time-frame, you should consult your dentist for help.

  • Like most surgical procedures, your dentist or oral surgeon will require you to rest adequately and avoid physical activities like marathons or football to promote fast blood flow to the extraction site for quick healing.

  • Facial or cheeks swelling is also common after wisdom tooth extraction surgery. You can reduce the swelling by applying ice wrapped in a cloth to the swollen area for about ten minutes when necessary.

  • One day after the extraction surgery, you can rinse your mouth with salty and warm water to kill any possible bacteria and reduce swelling or pain.

  • Stick to the recommended soft foods like pudding and mashed potatoes that cannot injure the extraction site

  • If you are experiencing uncomfortable pain after the extraction, you should consider using over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen to relieve the pain.

It is worth saying after wisdom tooth extraction, the healing and recovery period depends much on a patient's aftercare routine. The above tips would be valuable to you following a wisdom tooth extraction to increase your healing and recovery rate.

Habits to Avoid Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction to Enhance Your Healing Rate

In addition to the aftercare tips mentioned above following wisdom tooth extraction surgery, you might also have to adjust your lifestyle to enhance your healing and recovery rate. Here are some of the habits you should avoid after wisdom tooth extraction treatment:

  • Avoid any crunchy food that can dislodge the blood clot forming in the extraction site because it will reduce your healing rate.

  • Avoid smoking

  • Stay away from any hot foods and liquids.

  • Stay away from alcoholic and carbonated soft drinks.

  • Avoid brushing your gums or using an over-the-counter (OTC) mouth rinse.

  • Do not touch the extraction site using your finger or tongue.

  • Avoid using straws while recovering because they can affect the blood clotting process.

Outstanding Tips on Finding a Reliable Dentist for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

To narrow down numerous options of dentist available out there when searching for a reliable dentist for your wisdom tooth extraction, here are great tips you may want to consider:

  • The dentist's specialization and experience

  • The dentist's accreditation and reputation

  • The dentist's accessibility and availability

  • Availability of modern technology at your prospective dentist's clinic

  • Overall hygiene and neatness of your prospective dentist's clinic

  • The dentist's cost of services

With the above tips and recommendations from close friends and relatives, you should be able to find a reliable general dentist for your wisdom tooth extraction services without a hassle. During your initial consultation with a prospective dentist, you should pay attention to any red flags that indicate the expert is unreliable because surgical wisdom tooth extraction requires expertise.

Find a General Dentist Near Me

If you are looking forward to improving your oral and dental health through wisdom tooth extraction, Encino Dentist is the place to be. We offer comfortable and exceptional wisdom tooth extraction services using the latest technological advancement in this field. To schedule an initial consultation with our experienced dental experts, you can call us at 818-650-0429 from anywhere in Encino, California.